2022 Awards of Excellence
The 2022 Awards of Excellence honor the best work done in EPA publications during the 2021 calendar year.
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Campus (Print)
Award of Excellence: Pursuit | Cal Baptist — Luc Stringer, Carolyn Bokinskie, Camille Grochowski, Caleb Chong
Awards of Merit: The Clarion | Bethel University — Zachariah Walker, Emma Harville, Emma Gottschalk, Rachel Blood, Emma Eidsvoog, Emily Rossing. The Banner | Cal Baptist — Sofia Eneqvist, Emily McGinn, Elijah Hickma. Liberty Champion | Liberty University — Jacqueline Hale, Hattie Troutman, Kevin Gora, Brent Tyrrell, Madison Barry, Mackenzee Holloway
Campus (Digital)
Award of Excellence: The Threefold Advocate | John Brown University — Maria Aguilar, Grace Lindquist, Andrew Mobley, Katelyn Kingcade, Spencer Bailey
Awards of Merit: Cedars | Cedarville University — Abigail Hintz, Hunter Sweet, Breanna Beers, Ben Hiett, Hannah Deane, Chris Karenbauer. The Banner | Cal Baptist — Casey Maldonado, Jasmine Severi, Tonia Ross. The Chimes | Biola University — Natalie Willis, Amanda Frese, Victoria Chiang, Lauren McBride
Christian Ministry (Print)
Award of Excellence: Influence — George P. Wood, Rick Knoth, Christina Quick, Steve Lopez, Ron Kopczick
Awards of Merit: Teachers of Vision — Dawn Molnar, Lara Busold, Daniel Stelzer, Doreen Madere. Evangelicals — Sarah Kropp Brown, Ashley Edmonds. War Cry — Major Jamie Satterlee, Jeff McDonald, Dale Bannon, Josh Morales, Ashley Schena, Michele Katsaris
Christian Ministry (Digital)
Award of Excellence: Teachers of Vision — Dawn Molnar, Lara Busold, Daniel Stelzer, Doreen Madere
Awards of Merit: Caring Magazine — Cory Gaudaur, Christin Thieme, Hillary Jackson, Kevin Dobruck, Karen Gleason, Lou Buhl. Lifeway Research — Scott McConnell, Carol Pipes, Aaron Earls, Joy Allmond, Y Bonesteele, Marissa Postell. Leading Hearts — Linda Evans Shepherd, Amber Weigand-Buckley, Tom Young
Denominational (Print)
Award of Excellence: The Covenant Companion — Cathy Norman Peterson, Linda Sladkey, Kristi Schild, Jenna Pirrie Wilson
Awards of Merit: SAConnects — Warren L. Maye, Robert Mitchell, Hugo Bravo, Reginald Raines, Lea La Notte Greene, Lu Lu Rivera. Christian Leader — Connie Faber, Janae Rempel, Shelley Plett. Alliance Life — Peter Burgo, Emma Houk, Caylie Smith, Kenneth Crane, Julie Daube, Hannah Ader
Denominational (Digital)
Award of Excellence: The Banner — Shiao Chong, Sarah Heth, Alissa Vernon, Kristen Vanderberg, Lorilee Craker, Pete Euwema
Awards of Merit: Light + Life Magazine — Brett Heintzman, Jeff Finley, Karen Cantu, Karen Kinnaman, Douglas Britt, Heather Utley. The Baptist Standard — Eric Black, Ken Camp, Kayla Peltoma, Victoria McCrary. Baptist Press — Jonathan Howe, Brandon Porter, Laura Erlanson, Diana Chandler, Scott Barkley, Timothy Cockes
Devotional (Print)
Award of Excellence: Fusion Family — Carol Reid, Sondra Blackburn, David Jones, Andrea Young, Katie Greenwood
Awards of Merit: The Brink — David Jones, Sondra Blackburn, Andrea Young, Carol Reid, Katie Greenwod. Forward — David Jones, Carol Reid, Nic Dennis, Andrea Young, Katie Greenwood. In Touch — Cameron Lawrence, Jamie Hughes, Sandy Feit, Kayla Yiu, Dallas Hazerig
General (Print)
Award of Excellence: Sojourners — Jim Rice, Candace Sanders, Julie Polter, Rose Marie Berger, Christina Colon, Sandi Villarreal
Awards of Merit: Christianity Today — Ted Olsen, Andy Olsen, Sarah Gordon, Daniel Silliman, Matt Reynolds, Alex Mellen. Answers Magazine — Dale Mason, Sarah Eshleman, Dan Stelzer, Chris Neville, Kaitlyn Iocco. Christian History — Jennifer Woodruff Tait, Kaylena Radcliff, Doug Johnson, Dawn Moore, Max Pointner, Dan Graves
General (Digital)
Award of Excellence: Christianity Today — Ted Olsen, Andrea Palpant Dilley, Sarah Gordon, Kate Shellnutt, Daniel Silliman, Alex Mellen
Awards of Merit: Fathom Mag — Kelsey Hency. Answers Research Journal — Andrew Snelling, Joel Leineweber, Jim Smith, Laurel Hemming, Frost Smith, Brandon. Plugged In — Adam Holz, Paul Asay, Bob Hoose, Emily Clark, Kristin Smith
Honorable Mention: Infinity Concepts — Mark Dreistadt, Jason Dreistadt, Darrell Law, Kim Rugh, Jill Strittmatter, Andy Walker
Higher Ed (Print)
Award of Excellence: Fuller — Jerome Blanco, Katy Cook, Joy Thompson, Kathryn Sangsland, Nate Harrison
Awards of Merit: Westmont — Irene Neller, Nancy Favor Phinney, M. Brad Elliott, Alyssa Beccue, Scott Craig, Caylie Cox. Ministry & Leadership — Ligon Duncan, Phillip Holmes, Kelly Berkompas, Sense Makery, Matt McQuade, Abby Wood. Great Commission Magazine — Rebecca Pate, Ryan Thomas, Lauren Pratt, Francesca Salazar, Sharon Chung, Emily Gwynn
Honorable Mention: Liberty Journal — Mitzi Bible, Carrie Mitchell, Josh Rice
Higher Ed (Digital)
Award of Excellence: Fuller Studio — Patrick Duff, Elijah Davidson, Kathryn Sangsland, Dana VanValin, Nate Harrison, Lindsey Sheets
Award of Merit: Concordia Seminary Magazine — Chris Miller, Jayna Rollings, Beth Hasek, Melanie Ave, Vicki Biggs
Missions (Print)
Award of Excellence: Missions — Sarah Dunlap, Tom Turner, Cheryl Biswurm
Award of Merit: Intercede — James Eagles, Alan Doerksen, Eliud Herrera, Izabella Godin
Newsletter (Print)
Award of Excellence: Luke Society News — Dan Breen
Newspaper (Print)
Award of Excellence: The Christian Chronicle — Erik Tryggestad, Bobby Ross Jr., Audrey Jackson, Jeremie Beller, Tonya Patton, Lynda Sheehan
Awards of Merit: The Pathway — Don Hinkle, Benjamin Hawkins. The Baptist Paper — Jennifer Davis Rash, Lauren Grim, Dianna Cagle. New Frontier Chronicle — Christin Thieme, Hillary Jackson, Karen Gleason, Lou Buhl, Kevin Dobruck
Newspaper-Online News (Digital)
Award of Excellence: Religion Unplugged — Paul Glader, Meagan Clark
Awards of Merit: The Christian Chronicle — Erik Tryggestad, Bobby Ross Jr., Audrey Jackson, Jeremie Beller, Tonya Patton, Lynda Sheehan. The Pathway — Don Hinkle, Benjamin Hawkins. The Baptist Paper — James Hammack, Jennifer Davis Rash
Organizational (Print)
Award of Excellence: World Vision Magazine — Kristy Glaspie, Jon Warren, Laura Reinhardt, Sevil Omer, Kari Costanza, Lauren Reed
Awards of Merit: Mutuality — Mimi Haddad, Margaret Lawrence, Katie McEachern. The Voice of the Martyrs — Cole Richards, Cheryl Odden, Dennis Waterman, Jon Green, Kim van Veen. Decision Magazine — Bob Paulson, Jerry Pierce, Jerri Menges, Jamie Adamson, Glenn Gemmell, Jim Dailey
Organizational (Digital)
Award of Excellence: Cru Storylines — Melody Copenny, Mark Winz, Rachel Geckle, Guy Gerrard, Tim Bontekoe, Journey Group
Awards of Merit: Answers in Genesis — Frost Smith, Joel Leineweber, Jim Smith, Dan Zordel, Jeremy Ham, Ken Ham. World Vision News & Stories — Kristy Glaspie, Laura Reinhardt, Sevil Omer, Heather Klinger, Lauren Reed. Light Magazine — Brent Leatherwood, Lindsay Nicolet, Alex Ward, Marie Delph, Jill Waggoner, Jacob Blaze
Youth (Print)
Award of Excellence: Kids Answers Magazine — Dale Mason, Sarah Eshleman, Dan Stelzer, Chris Neville, Kaitlyn Iocco
Awards of Merit: Focus on the Family Clubhouse — Jesse Florea, Stephen O’Rear, Jenny Dillon, Rachel Pfeiffer, Jim Cail, Kenneth Crane. Focus on the Family Clubhouse Jr. — Jesse Florea, Kate Jameson, Lexie Rhodes, Rachel Pfeiffer, Jim Cai. Peer — Major Jamie Satterlee, Andrea Martin, Olivia Scherzer, Elizabeth Hanley
Honorable Mention: Brio Magazine — Pam Woody, Laura Pottkotter, Cary Bates, Jody Reiner. Adventure Guide — Janiece Waldrop, Andrea Young, Katie Greenwood, Kathy Murphy. Explorer’s Guide — Janiece Waldrop, Sondra Blackburn, Andrea Young, Katie Greenwood, Kathy Murphy
Youth (Digital)
Award of Excellence: Kids Answers Magazine — Linda Sauer, Avery Foley, Sarah Eshleman, Harry Sanders, Karina Altman, Frost Smith
Most Improved (Print)
Award of Excellence: Advent Christian Witness — Justin Nash, Cara Brock, Meredith Broadway