2023 Awards of Excellence
The 2023 Awards of Excellence were presented at the annual convention in Lancaster, PA, on April 14, 2023.
Click here to download a PDF of all the winners.
Click here to view the Higher Goals Awards.
All award certificates and judging score/comment sheets are being emailed to the email address of the person who submitted the entries. If you have not received your certificates or judge sheets, please email the executive director.
Campus (Print)
Award of Excellence: The Banner | Cal Baptist — Charissa Graves, Alexza Bahnmiller, Emily McGinn
Awards of Merit: The Chimes | Biola University — Hannah Larson, Emily Coffey, Amelia Schuhler, Haven Luper-Jasso, Hope Li, Valeria De Leon. Pursuit | Cal Baptist — Camille Grochowski, Kia Harlan, Caleb Chong. The Echo | Taylor University — Holly Gaskill, Ellie Tiemens, Kyla Russell, Markus Miller, Kay Rideout
Campus (Digital)
Award of Excellence: The Banner | Cal Baptist — Emily McGinn, Alexza Bahnmiller
Awards of Merit: ReadCedars.com | Cedarville University — Ben Hiett, Chris Karenbauer, Hunter Sweet, Chloe Smith. Chimes | Biola University — Hannah Larson, Emma Coffey, Amelia Schuhler, Haven Luper-Jasson, Hope Li, Valeria De Leon
Christian Ministry (Print)
Award of Excellence: Bible & Society — Amanuel Mengistu, Harriet Compston, Mateja Miladinovic
Awards of Merit: Teachers of Vision — Doreen Madere, Dawn Molnar, Lara Busold, Dan Stelzer. Evangelicals — Sarah Kropp Brown, Ashley Edmonds. Influence Magazine — George P. Wood, Christina Quick, Steve Lopez, Ron Kopczick
Christian Ministry (Digital)
Award of Excellence: Leading Hearts — Linda Evans Shepherd, Amber Weigand-Buckley
Awards of Merit: Teachers of Vision — Doreen Madere, Dawn Molnar, Lara Busold, Dan Stelzer. Lifeway Research — Carol Pipes, Aaron Earls, Aaron Wilson, Scott McDonnell, Kevin Walker, Marissa Sullivan. The Better Samaritan — Jamie Aten, Kent Annan, Dena Dyer
Denominational (Print)
Award of Excellence: SAconnects — Warren L. Maye, Robert Mitchell, Hugo Bravo, Reginald Raines, Lea L. Greene, Lu Lu Rivera
Awards of Merit: War Cry — Major Jamie Satterlee, Lt. Colonel Lesa Davis, Ashley Schena, David Reardon, Maryam Outlaw-Martin. ONE Magazine — Eddie Moody, Eric K. Thomsen, Andrea Young, Marianne Stewart
Denominational (Digital)
Award of Excellence: Baptist Press — Jonathan Howe, Brandon Porter, Laura Erlanson, Diana Chandler, Scott Barkley, Timothy Cockes
Awards of Merit: The Baptist Standard — Eric Black, Ken Camp, Victoria McCrary, Lindsay Springer. The Banner — Shiao Chong, Kristen deRoo VanderBerg, Sarah Dehlia Heth, Alissa Vernon, Lorilee Craker, Pete Euwema. Light + Life — Brett Heintzman, Jeff Finley, Karen Cantu, Karen Kinnaman, Carl Brand, Douglas Britt
Devotional (Print)
Award of Excellence: Fusion Next — Carol Reid, Sondra Blackburn, Randy Ledbetter, David Jones, Andrea Young, Katie Greenwood
Awards of Merit: Fusion Family — Carol Reid, Sondra Blackburn, Andrea Young, David Jones, Katie Greenwood. The Brink — David Jones, Sondra Blackburn, Andrea Young, Katie Greenwood, Randy Ledbetter, Carol Reid. Forward — David Jones, Carol Reid, Sondra Blackburn, Andrea Young, Marrianne Stewart, Katie Greenwood
General (Print)
Award of Excellence: Common Good — Aaron Hanbury, Eric Jimenez, Sarah Haywood, Andrea Stember
Awards of Merit: Answers — Chris Neville, Sarah Eshleman, Kaitlyn Iocco. Christian History — Jennifer Woodruff Tait, Kaylena Radcliff, Doug Johnson, Max Pointner, Doug Johnson. Sojourners — Julie Polter, Jim Rice, Rose Marie Berger, Christina Colón, Candace Sanders, Liz Bierly
General (Digital)
Award of Excellence: Christianity Today — Russell Moore, Ted Olsen, Andy Olsen, Kate Shellnut, Andrea Palpant Dilley, Valerie Broucek
Awards of Merit: Fathom Magazine — Kelsey Hency, Jed Ostoich, Collin Huber, Sophie DeMuth, Rachel Welcher, Hannah Comerford. Just Between Us — Mary Ann Prasser, Shelly Esser, Ashley Schmidt. MinistryWatch — Warren Smith, Christina Darnell
Higher Ed (Print)
Award of Excellence: FULLER — Jerome Blanco, Joy Netanya Thompson, Nate Harrison, Katy Cook, Kathryn Sangsland
Awards of Merit: Ministry & Leadership — Ligon Duncan, Abby Wood, Stephen Griffin, Matthew McQuade. Westmont Magazine — Gayle D. Beebe, Irene Neller, Nancy Favor Phinney, Scott Craig, M. Bradley Elliott, Alyssa Beccue. DTS Magazine — Neil Coulter, Kraig McNutt, Jason Fox, Stephanie Johnston, Debbie Stevenson, Davis Mursalie
Higher Ed (Digital)
Award of Excellence: FULLER studio — Patrick Duff, Elijah Davidson, Nate Harrison, Lauren Meares, Lindsey Sheets
Awards of Merit: Evangel University — Erin Hedlun, Josh Kingham. Concordia Seminary Magazine — Vicki Biggs, Melanie Ave, Beth Hasek, Chris Miller
Missions (Print)
Award of Excellence: Network Magazine — Melanie Benedict, Amy Glass, Chelsea Rollman, Ruth Ebbs, Tom Mills, Daniel Simmons
Awards of Merit: Message Magazine — Alex Kocman, Katelyn Hawkins, Christine Morales. Missions — Sarah Dunlap, Cheryl Biswurm, Joel Hernandez
Missions (Digital)
Award of Excellence: Christar Stories — Natalie Mubita, Beverly Guy, Esther Carey, Nancy Maurer, Justin Moore, Karen Brightbill
Awards of Merit: MTW — Melanie Benedict, Daniel Simmons, Amy Glass, Ruth Ebbs, Chelsea Rollman, Tom Mills. Message Magazine — Alex Kocman, Katelyn Hawkins, Christine Morales
Newspaper (Print)
Award of Excellence: The Christian Chronicle — Erik Tryggestad, Bobby Ross Jr., Audrey Jackson, Christi Roméo, Lynda Sheehan, Calvin Cockrell
Awards of Merit: New Frontier Chronicle — Christin Thieme, Hillary Jackson, Karen Gleason, Kevin Dobruck, Lou Buhl. The Alabama Baptist. The Baptist Paper
Newspaper-Online News (Digital)
Award of Excellence: The Lion — Josh Mann, Michael Ryan, Jillian Schneider
Awards of Merit: The Christian Chronicle — Erik Tryggestad, Bobby Ross Jr., Audrey Jackson, Christi Roméo, Lynda Sheehan, Calvin Cockrell. The Baptist Paper. The Alabama Baptist
Organizational (Print)
Award of Excellence: World Vision Magazine — Kristy Glaspie, Jon Warren, Laura Reinhardt, Sevil Omer, Amy Van Drunen, Lauren Reed
Awards of Merit: Instigate — John Ashmen, Justin Boles, Helen Goody, Mike Hames, Alice Gifford, Deborah Helmers. Advance — Morgan Feddes Satre, Katryn Ferrance, Amanda Staggenborg, Alan Haven. Mutuality — Mimi Haddad, Sarabeth Ng, Margaret Lawrence
Organizational (Digital)
Award of Excellence: World Vision News & Stories — Kristy Glaspie, Amy Van Drunen, Laura Reinhardt, Sevil Omer, Lauren Reed, Jon Warren
Awards of Merit: Mutuality — Mimi Haddad, Sarabeth Ng, Margaret Lawrence. Cru Storylines — Melody Copenny, Rachel Geckle, Guy Gerrard, Melissa Long, Tim Bonteko, Rich Wiewiora, Mark Winz
Youth (Print)
Award of Excellence: Brio — Sheila Seifert, Laura Pottkotter, Cary Bates, Scott DeNicola, Sarah Brickens, Faith Wismer
Awards of Merit: Velocity — Carol Reid, David Jones, Sondra Blackburn, Andrea Young, Katie Greenwood. Focus on the Family Clubhouse — Jesse Florea, Stephen O’Rear, Grace Kelley, Jenny Dillon, Jim Cail, Kenneth Crane. Adventure Guide — Janiece Waldrop, Andrea Young, Kathy Murphy, Katie Greenwood
Youth (Digital)
Award of Excellence: Peer — Major Jamie Satterlee, Elizabeth Hanley, Andrea Martin, Olivia Scherzer, David Reardon
Most Improved (Print)
Award of Excellence: Evangelical Missions Quarterly — Heather Pubols, Kurtis Amundson, David Dunaetz, Janelle Weller
Awards of Merit: DTS Magazine — Neil Coulter, Kraig McNutt, Jason Fox, Stephanie Johnston, Debbie Stevenson, Davis Mursalie. Christian Leader — Connie Faber, Janae Rempel, Shelley Plett
Posted April 14, 2023