Six members came away with their second consecutive First Place win in the third year of the Best in Class contest. Repeat winners include World Vision, Brio, Christian History, Luke Society News, Cru Storylines and Fathom. World Vision and Luke Society News have now won three years in a row.
Congratulations are also in order for first-time First Place winners: Advance Magazine, Bible & Society, Christian Leader, Instigate, Liberty Champion and The War Cry.
First-place winners will each receive an engraved crystal trophy.
The summer contest groups magazines in categories based on circulation rather than type as judged in the annual Awards of Excellence. Entries were split with a balanced number of entries into eight circulation ranges, plus additional categories based on format: newsletters, newspapers and websites (which required a digital membership to enter). Each category was judged by two judges with the judges’ scores averaged to determine placement.