Infinity Concepts Joins EPA Benefit Partner Program
Affiliate member Infinity Concepts has been a friend and supporter of EPA for many years. Now they are taking that relationship to another level by becoming a benefit partner. EPA members in good standing will have access to their marketing and communication services at a substantial discount.
Infinity Concepts is a strategic marketing agency focused on helping ministries, nonprofits, and businesses engage the Christian community.
“We love inspiring people of faith to action for our clients,” said President and CEO Mark Dreistadt. “We will help you effectively reach, engage, and inspire Christians to respond to your organization and its mission. We are committed to providing our clients with strategic solutions for success.”
Infinity Concepts’ services include consulting, brand development, fundraising, media management, creative services, public relations, websites, and digital media. Dreistadt and members of the staff have been frequent speakers on these subjects at EPA conventions.
Infinity Concepts developed EPA’s membership marketing brochure several years ago and conceived EPA’s tag line: Inspiration. Instruction. Interaction.
“Infinity Concepts values our long-standing relationship with the EPA and its many members,” said Dreistadt. “We value our partnership as we work together to effectively communicate what God is doing in the world today. We are pleased to provide a very special ‘family rate’ for all of our creative and consulting services.”
EPA members will now receive a 20% discount on all Infinity Concepts’ services. Call 724-733-1200 and ask for the exclusive EPA 20% discount, or send an email.
Learn more about Infinity Concepts at infinityconcepts.com.
Posted July 29, 2019