Ministry Partnerships Expand with Magazine Training International
Magazine Training International provides resources and training for Christian magazines. They have an extensive online training program including e-books, webinars, web-based video training, and online trainer-led courses. Other training materials on their resource-rich website include manuals and DVD courses.
MTI has developed a rich library of training resources that can be a valuable asset to EPA members. By partnering with MTI, members will now be able to access these resources as well as participate in bimonthly webinars.
Here are some of MTI’s most popular resources:
Managing the Magazine: The Business of Magazine Publishing
A seven-disk DVD course
Knowledge of good business principles will not guarantee success. But, failure to apply good business principles almost always guarantees failure —or at least, a day-to-day struggle for survival. Learn how to assess the present status of your magazine, identify problem areas, and find solutions. Discover how to lay a successful foundation for a new magazine or a more solid foundation for an ongoing magazine. Since 1999, hundreds of Christian magazine publishers from dozens of countries have taken this course at conferences held in Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hong Kong, Korea, India, and the U.S. The course includes the 100-page Managing the Magazine manual on a CD.
Design for Magazines
A six-disk DVD course
Attractive design can increase your magazine’s appeal to readers, enhance readability, and more effectively communicate your message. In this course you will learn the secrets of designing effective covers, enticing spreads, appealing departments, and exciting tables of contents. Since 2001, hundreds of Christian magazine editors and designers from dozens of countries have taken this course live in conferences in Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Malaysia, Romania, Croatia, and the Czech Republic. The course includes the 100-page Design for Magazines manual on a CD.
- Managing the Magazine With Confidence and Skill (105 pages)
- Design for Magazines (99 pages)
- Editing the Magazine (137 pages)
- Writing Effective Magazine Articles (85 pages)
For more information about MTI, visit www.magazinetraining.com.
Posted October 27, 2015