Reach EPA’s members at the annual convention
The best way to bring your ministry, product or service to the attention of EPA’s members is to be a sponsor or exhibitor at our annual convention. This is your chance to meet face-to-face with decision makers for the Christian periodical publishing industry — people who produce some 300 periodical titles with a combined circulation of more than 21 million.
EPA also offers several other ways to reach our members:
- Advertising: Display advertising is available in our annual directory. This directory is sent to all of our members, and is a resource used throughout the year to network with other members and learn about EPA services. Prices range from $85 for a quarter-page to $250 for a full-page. Cover positions are also available.
- Directory: Non-members can purchase copies of our annual membership directory for $100. This directory is published each year in August.
- Mailing list: EPA rents its mailing list. Adhesive labels with addresses of our contacts at various publications are available for one-time use for $95 ($75 for members).
- E-mail: EPA doesn’t sell its e-mail list, but will send e-mail to our members on your behalf. Our list includes about 800 decision makers in the world of Christian journalism. We can send a plain text message or a small PDF file (no Word attachments or other files that might carry a virus). The charge is $95 for non-members, $75 for members.
For information on any of these services, contact us.