Technology Partner Joins the Ranks with EPA
VERTIQUL by Advontemedia is a part of the EPA benefit partner program which consists of strategic companies which can offer our members a product or service at a discount to aid them in their publishing efforts.
VERTIQUL features a creative platform structure that preserves the style that makes magazines great not only for today, but for our digital future. The VERTIQUL digital publishing platform has evolved to become a leading premium user experience digital delivery tool for modern magazines, newspapers and newsletters. The solution makes traditional flip page edition PDF conversion software apps obsolete. It represents the perfect delivery format based on modern user experience and real reader behavior.
VERTIQUL is a completely different experience when compared to the old print replica tools that fall short under today’s modern usability. Our modern tool immerses the audience directly into the publication vs having the reader work by flipping. No apps, no downloads, and a mobile experience second to none!
“When I first learned of the VERTIQUL digital publishing platform, my first thought was ‘I really wish this would have been available when our company was publishing our community newspaper and magazine,’” said EPA Executive Director Lamar Keener. “This is so far advanced from the ISSUU platform we were using for flipping pages of our PDF. EPA members need to be taking a long, hard look at this platform.”

Magazines are crossing the digital divide where yesterday’s connotation of a paginated magazine meets the digital content sequenced magazine of today and a future where readers and advertisers will only know our brands as digital. The vertical orientation design represents the logical transformation of the traditional print layout based magazine to the modern day UX for digital content. Many periodical publishers are upgrading from flip edition software and platforms or their printer’s digital magazine flipping pages tools.
As a full service platform, VENTRIQUL’s designers perform all the custom InDesign and PDF file style conversion to HTML5. Add video, additional images/content or other interactive enhancements including options where the design team performs ad upgrades that generate new publishing revenue for a publication.
The responsive cross-platform operating system and device independent presentation mean that users on any desktop or mobile device can view the issue and long form content in one place without separate apps, tools, templates or access points.
With VERTIQUL, your content flows seamlessly across all devices allowing readers to comfortably view and read anywhere. Advertising is presented throughout the issue legibly without the need for outdated pinching and zooming and without fear of being blocked. Advanced advertising capabilities also allow publishers and decision makers to upgrade digital ads into an enhanced version or landing page profile for maximum results.
- Full-service conversion from your InDesign and PDF files
- Add video or other interactive enhancements
- No apps, no downloads
- Beautifully responsive on any device
- Analytics tracking
- Intuitive navigation
- Fully indexed table of contents
- Individual page and/or section links
- Advertising accommodation and enhancements
- Controlled access options
- Generate new publishing revenue
- Publisher domain stage
Discounts offered to EPA members
VERTIQUL is offering EPA members substantial discounts on initial platform fees as well as ongoing costs.Learn more about this digital publishing solution at vertiqul.com. See live examples of how the platform works at vertiqul.com/tour.
Arrange a demo
For a personal demo and to learn about the EPA discounts, contact David Blankenship at dblankenship@advontemedia.com or Leana Margiotta at llewenthal@advontemedia.com or call 951-256-4944.
Posted September 7, 2022